Monday, November 06, 2006

Caption This!

Whee! Another contest that no one will enter but me! But hey, it's my website and I'll post if I want too, post if I want too, post if I want too....

Have fun coming up with fun things to describe this expression!

Let's see, I'll start off:
1) Dallas just scored a *#@(* touchdown.
2) I just finished explaining to Sam about the birds and the bees.
3) I just finished explaining to Sam about college tuition.
4) Sam just figured out that Bush was actually elected to office.
5) Normal babies weigh WHAT when they're born?

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Anonymous said...

"What? The Republicans lost BOTH houses of Congress??"

Anonymous said...

"Whaddaya mean my Halloween candy's all gone?"

Anonymous said...

"I wonder how I'm going to tell mom that I just pooped in my pants?"

thejayman68 said...

Lance Bass is what?

thejayman68 said...

Oh no, I think I left Daddy's car keys in my other diaper.

Anonymous said...

"aunt jill isn't coming over???"

annie said...

Daddy is HOW old???

You all have used the good ones already!!!