Friday, January 25, 2008


Maddie, I'm coming after you next! I'm getting 84-90% now on the Hard difficulty level and as you can see here, Medium is a piece of cake! You better watch out!
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Home entertainment

That's a very young Jeff Healey on the left. And isn't his Mama looking serious?
Ah! And now he can see!
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Wow this is even MORE true

If that last post about the Guitar Hero game wasn't true enough with me and Hayley, this next cartoon, that Dad sent me, is right on the mark. Let me stress this for you...


Any questions?

This is so true!

I think of this every time Hayley and I are playing together and it's some cheezy song from 1985 like "Talk Dirty to Me!" What a blast!

Also, if you have the time, you should really venture over to this guys site and read all his strips...they are really, really clever and funny! Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More Samurisms

One night last week as I was getting Sam ready for bed, he was doing something bad (not listening, or whatever). I don’t remember exactly anymore what he did that deserved it, but I ended giving him a good whack on the butt to, ah, emphasize my seriousness. Well, Sam took a couple of steps away from me, turned around and (while pointing his finger at me with each word for emphasis!) said, “Daddy, don’t hit me on my butt! You’re a bad, bad boy.” Man I wish I had a video of that! It’s also the reason I can’t remember what it was he did. I mean, how can you be mad after a scolding like that?

Monday, January 14, 2008


Here's a funny picture Dad sent me.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sam's Concert

Tonight I could here Sam in the dining room playing on his drum and singing. As I got closer it was clear that he was singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." But he was just too funny. Like when he finished the song he raised his arms up in triumph! He must have been watching all of us playing Guitar Hero last night and copied our victory dances!

Edit: And before I forget, can someone please help me recall the drum line to that song?
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Whoo hoo!

Success at last! My first 100%. Don't pay any attention the EASY difficulty level that it's saying...I swear that's a mistake.

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It's a Kiddsmas tree!


OK, that's a terrible pun. I'll admit it.
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Everyone being very serious

Guitar Hero has taken over in my house. People are taking it pretty damn seriously too. Now Hayley has her own guitar and I'm expecting the competition to begin heating up any day now. I can't wait.


Chris thinks I need a bigger TV. Apparently he can't see the notes unless they're 3 feet wide. Really. Click to picture to blow it up and you'll see what I mean!


And that's just an excuse to run this photo again, and to emphasize the size of the notes on the screen that Chris "has trouble" seeing!

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008


So last night Sam was getting ready for bed and we put his new Mickey pj's on. He was very excited, and as Hayley came upstairs to put him in bed, he ran up to her saying "Look Mama! I've got up-sleeves on!" When Hayley didn't get it, he said, pointing to his sleeves, "they're not down-sleeves, they're up-sleeves!" Hayley asked, "You mean short-sleeves?" He said, "Yes!"

So now, I can't help but call all my t-shirts "up-sleeve shirts!"

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Entertainment

Laura hosted the New Year's Eve bash this year, and was adamant about making sure everyone had an equally good time.
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New Year

It came after all. It's true. I was there. Proof:
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