Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Atrium and Lobby

This is the view from the 8th floor of the ship looking down into the main lobby where you enter. Notice the nice glass elevators. Cool.

And this is looking up from the same spot. It was hard to believe at times that this was really a boat!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oh Man! You shoulda seen us AFTER the beers and martinis!

Man, that dude next to us looks pissed! It's only about 10am right now, and he's already irritated! What he doesn't know it that in about 3 hours, 7 more cruise ships are pulling in dropping off 14000 more people for him to drum for!

Yo, man!

I say, yo, man, your ships are so big...

even travel agents are saying...

Yo, man, you gots some big-ass ships.


We really made it!

More boredom (but we loved it!)

Some bar Hayley could relate to.

A view of the Promenade where all the bars and casinos are. Also (for some reason) where we seem to have left all of our money.

And this was our lovely bedroom!

I'm about to bore you all to death....

So here we are starting out in the Port of Miami on our 3 day cruise to Nassau! Whee!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


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Painted Toes

Happy feet
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Aw Mom

Don't hug me
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Maddie again

She doesn't like her picture being taken!
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These for Jill! But isn't she gorgeous. And SO grown up
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Molly, the Red Nosed Kid
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DanPa and his kids
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Sam and Two shiny Christmas Tree Ornaments

Boy, people, do you have dirty minds! These are Sam's little balls..of the Christmas type!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Maryland Cute cat

Florida isn't the only state with cute cats. Lucy thinks she's a present, or trash!
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Jim, our very own gargoyle. Alcohol involved perhaps?
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Little Jay

This is probably my favorite Jay pose!
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Mimi and Sam

Mimi and her little babiest boy.
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dad's CAT Scan

Dad had a CAT scan done the other day. Here is a video of the results. (Oooh! a video! Look at me going all high-tech on y'all!)

The results were a big Razz!

This is not just a picture of Razz. This is a 30 minute video. Just keep watching. No, really. Seriously, you could watch this for 30 minutes and it would be EXACTLY LIKE WATCHING RAZZ FOR 30 MINUTES. I am not making this up. (Dad help me out here!)

This cat could make a good living as a coaster...but she's not up to it because SHE'S TOO LAZY! Well, and she's also not flat enough, but she has the sitting-in-one-place-without-moving-for-hours part down!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Unregal pose

Ummm...Diamond is not quite so dignified. And a shoe fetish to boot.

Regal pose

A kitty at her best.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hey! Auntie Lisa's back!

Aunt Lisa is alive and well as evidenced by this. Thanks Auntie Lisa! (I don't know who your ISP is, but I'm glad they let you get back online.) Come back soon!

What bad chair?

This chair isn't so bad.

Okay! That's enough now!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Sam was, amazingly, unavailable for comment.

Hey this chair moves back and forth...

So Sam decided to be "bad" today and we had to "punish" him. We got the old family "chair from hell" for him to sit on. Apparently he had heard about it from someone else (probably Lucy), and he was wary to start with.

Initial contact seemed to confirm his worst fears.

to be continued...

Friday, February 09, 2007

The truth has been revealed...

...Sam is actually an alien from the planet Weirdo.

He's using his super-magnetospherical-time-stopping powers. You know, he actually reminds me of Christopher Lloyd as the diabolical evil guy in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

And then, he reverts back to his "human" form.