Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dad's CAT Scan

Dad had a CAT scan done the other day. Here is a video of the results. (Oooh! a video! Look at me going all high-tech on y'all!)

The results were a big Razz!

This is not just a picture of Razz. This is a 30 minute video. Just keep watching. No, really. Seriously, you could watch this for 30 minutes and it would be EXACTLY LIKE WATCHING RAZZ FOR 30 MINUTES. I am not making this up. (Dad help me out here!)

This cat could make a good living as a coaster...but she's not up to it because SHE'S TOO LAZY! Well, and she's also not flat enough, but she has the sitting-in-one-place-without-moving-for-hours part down!


Anonymous said...

That cat looks like a meatloaf. Glad to see that you have some inanimate objects on your website. Sam makes me tired.
Your friend Jesse...

annie said...

hysterical! You and Dad should write a book. Seriously The cat stories are so funny