Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I call this picture "The Definition of Happiness."


I call this picture "The Definition of Happiness" too. (But they're stored in different folders, so it's okay.)

That's a computer geek joke.

I never said it was a funny one. Alright, knock it off and just enjoy the picture!

Edit: Hey, I just noticed this, but if you click the picture and blow it up, it looks like a white hand (Mickey's?) coming out of Sam's mouth. Cool!

Edit again: Yep, I re-checked the picture, and zoomed in, it is definitely Mickey's white-gloved hand just beginning to poke out of Sam's mouth. Check it out and see if you don't believe me!

I call this picture "Wtf? Did you see Dad stealing my candy?"

(I did too.)
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1 comment:

annie said...

Daddy get your hands off Sam's candy!