Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Strange genes

Whatever it is that's going on with Sam is really weird. I was confused about it for while. Like, we'll be sitting down to dinner and all of a sudden Sam's whole head just turns into a blur. And I'm not talking about after he's eaten candy or anything like that. It'll really freak you out. I was just starting to get worried enough to call the doctor about it, but then Mom did it too.


I guess it must run in the family.


I'll hunt through my archives and see if there are any other family members afflicted with this disease. I guess we'll have to name it too. I'm open for suggestions...

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Unknown said...

She is rubbing off already on him.....

thejayman68 said...

Hmm...it looks to me like HE started it!

annie said...

Well, duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah me!!!